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Harand Camp Musical Theater

Harand Camp Activities

Harand Camp Activities

Harand Camp Musical Theater
Apply for a Scholarship

The Harand Camp Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to campers, ages 7 to 18, from diverse and "at risk" backgrounds, who have an interest in music, dance, drama, or technical theater, and have financial need. Scholarships are awarded on a sliding scale to low- and middle-income families. The identity of scholarship recipients is kept strictly confidential!
The deadline to apply for a scholarship is April 15 with awards determined by May 1. Scholarships will only be awarded for one 3-week session (full or partial tuition). ONE and SIX week campers are not eligible. Payment plans are also available.
Please see below for application instructions!

Please submit the following required materials by April 15:
Scholarship Application (completed by parent or guardian)
2024 Camper Application (completed by parent or guardian)
Proof of Income (copy of current Federal Tax Return)
Personal Essay (written by the camper)
Send materials via email to or snail mail to:
Harand Camp of the Theatre Arts
1147 Ashland Avenue
Evanston, IL 60202
If you have any questions about the HCSF or applying for a scholarship,
please contact 847-867-1356 or!

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